
Sharex video source
Sharex video source

sharex video source

Most of these do not get in the way, on the other hand. It may intimidate some users on first use, as it has lots of features and options. ShareX is a powerful screenshot capturing and screen recording application. Several improvements to custom uploaders.

sharex video source

Filters are applied automatically on changes in the History window.History search supports search while typing.Improved startup of the history window by populating visible parts only.It also allows uploading images, text or other types of files to many supported destinations you can choose from. Fullscreen image previews support left-arrow and right-arrow shortcuts, mouse wheel, or navigation buttons to browse images. ShareX is a free and open source program that lets you capture or record any area of your screen and share it with a single press of a key.Restrict region capture and cursor within active monitor option, which improves FPS of region capture on multi-monitor setups significantly according to the developer.Here is a short list of some of the important ones: ShareX 14.0.0 includes dozens of important changes and improvements.

Sharex video source